domingo, 15 de mayo de 2011


Laura Fernandez MacGregor Maza
Editor: Juan Carlos Martínez
Of the Writing “My book “Breakwater” --it explained in the Club of Industrialists, Polanco, Laura Fernandez MacGregor Maza--, it was born in Valparaiso, seeing the waves to break. But my
sense, in fact, began to the 8 years of age, stage in which I began to write, since I consider that it is in the puberty when the strongest and contradictory emotions feel. Since then I also realized, that the Love, is the base of everything. That nothing is obtained if we do not put in front and we applied this ingredient in all our actions. And that the Love, finally, is the whole, the totality, the essence, the basic foundation for the Life”. And like “Breakwater”, it has achieved a great success by the eroticism that unfolds. The Informative Runner questions: And until where he is going to arrive a so frank, direct poetry, without sonrojos and until with sense of humor? Because you even tie orgasmo, like perfect gift of the Divinity to the Humanity, and that by the way has been seconded very positively by writers like Right Molachino, Eduardo Luis Feher, Andrea Montiel, Jorge Prado, Nicole Kovalivker, Robert Alifano and Rubén Garci'a Cebollero.Y the writer - humanist, industralist, civil servant in subjects of Culture and Ecology, whose book also counted on the support of an artistic equipment of first, like integrated by Jose the Mountain Luis, Samuel Barragán and Gregorio González, this last illustrative artist--; he continued explayando itself: “I do not know until where it is going to arrive my poetry, nor the other literary sorts that I practice, but so far I am surprised with the results that I have obtained. Answer exists, towards a language that as mine it is much of very being elaborated. Something has in my expressions, that to people seem to please to him. And it is that in fact, sets out situations that as much I eat to other we have lived them somehow people, because she is taken from the daily thing. Than daily it happens, of the human feelings”. The poetry must be hermetic or communicating? We ask an author who managed to express with bravery: “Acceptance does not blame in the copula. Only God could create a sensation so eximia to give the humanity. Orgasmo. Its expression excelsa, is clear sample of Its divine Hand. When enjoying it, we raised Its glory! “Good, I create, before nothing, that all creator must express his thoughts, reflections and feelings to their way, that is to say, feel as them it conceives or them in its mind. But, in which respecta, I like to feel to me included. Communicated. For this reason, perhaps, my language looks for that communication, that understanding and that conversation with the others. Perhaps since if it created a type of poetry, good only for me, it would be to me incomplete or isolated”. Thus between the commentaries, they appeared, special, those of Nicole Kovalivker: “Laura, with a very transparent metaphorical veil, makes use of its freedom to describe its sensual experiences and of pleasing. Their verses of woman are as heroic as erotic” . Alifano Robert: “This book is important by its precision and its fervor: by the delicate passion that emanates of each verse; by striking and gracious the soul that reveals their pages”. Rubén Garci'a Cebollero: “like the beat of the sea that attacks the breakwater, the voice of the poet illuminates the contour of the senses, the force of the experience, the reason of desire with the inner rate of the precise lightning, the meditated clarity and the breath of the astonishment”. J.A. Archdeacon: “Free and average, rebellious and obliging, the word of Laura and more never in “Breakwater” -, dialectic paradox becomes and it is solved - “meat and reason” - in the espiritualidad of an authentic voice that appears from more deep”. Breakwater? Leélo; thus you will see the difference between a caress and latigazo. Molachino: “The eroticism, is a sort fundamental of Literature, difficult to handle, by the thorny. But in that Laura leaves windy by the quality whereupon treats it. A challenge, that stops others, by its lack of talent, is insulted”. The beautiful writer, Laura Fernandez-MacGregor Mace, were born in Mexico, Federal District. Its present life distributes times between the Educator, the eager reader, the enthusiastic collector of art, and of course the successful writer. She is industralist and it is dedicated to impel the Education and the Culture. When acting like founding partner of the museum “Chincolo”, first museum in the world dedicated to the infantile art, stimulates in the children the Ecology and the Culture. Chincolo, is the name, also, of the first story of Laura. Splendid publication of which 5 thousand units in Cuernavaca have been distributed.
Eduardo Luis Feher, exposed: “This book that today we presented/displayed, I consider, has a peculiar particularitity: not only it is read, but also it is listened to - Yes, a certain rumor of sea is listened to breaking in cliffs or covering fine beaches with the imagination of this successful poet who is it Laura Fernandez MacGregor Maza. “The love is the air that maintains the life”, it indicates, philosophical, to Laura, taking to us with himself to his own world del that does not stop always thinking and evaluating… but, like the Box of Pandora, leaves the flavor us of the hope that by all means, dies to the last one. And it is that, said to the writer Eduardo finally Luis Feher, “seen well, the poetry of laura is an examination to the life, a constant measurement of the time, to look for the face of his history that in the end also is our own history”.
Right Molachino, when speaking of the important trajectory of Laura, said of her “that its poetic manifestation, reaches surprising registries in a captivating language that slides from velvety to the test of the most intense passion or reclamation iracundo where the eroticism has a preponderant space. It also made reference, that the eroticism “is a fundamental sort in the Literature, difficult to handle, by the thorny, however in which Laura leaves windy by the quality whereupon treats it. A challenge, explained that for others by his lack of talent it is insulted. “The difficult thing of the easy thing, solved by our author by its knowledge of the subject, to which it impregnates his fine sensitivity exactly to him hiring it”, asserted the recognized writer, publisher and literary critic”.

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